Thursday 20 November 2014

Complementary activities possible

ARTICLE 62General Principles of Design of the panoramic viewpoints. Lookouts defined as sites must meet the following parameters for your design, including: Easy unrestricted pedestrian access for people recharge api with disabilities (physically disabled, elderly).

And if access, anticipate according to the number of users public parking; these must be located outside the gazebo and in the same immediate area. At sites where possible, some modules will be located for stationary.

Sale depending on the vocation of recharge api the sector this provision shall comply with the provisions of Decree 327 of 1997, and all the rules governing sales and stationary outdoor display advertising.

When the location of they shall not be at the site. Depending on the characteristics of viewpoint can adapt spaces for installation of tables and benches with similar kiosks as an integral part of the design viewpoint.

Will be given an environmental management In all viewpoints on the path, in both locating sides at a distance of one kilometer of access to trees viewpoint different textures and colors which identify recharge api previously.

Hinder visual existing

Also in slopes and in places inside the gazebo where tree planting is possible or shrubs that allow visual identification from distant land as reference rural and gazebo. Each viewpoint will feature urban furnishing of information.

Both within and Outside iconic designs to guide the user from recharge api several meters before and after arriving at the site. Given the location of the viewpoints in rural soil the less intervention efforts be made possible level of materials.

Are used those that are unique to the region to minimizing impacts on the landscape. It must be ensured in the acquisition of the property to be earmarked for lookout area land meets the minimum lot area depending on the area where it is located.

System Utilities ARTICLE 63System household utilities. Consisting of all those recharge api infrastructures or isolated components, forming networks or regardless serve to equip with different types of public services at all developments located.

Remaining the largest recharge api

In the different classes and types of soils and land use. It is understood by public utilities, which are established by Law 142/94, Article 14, in paragraphs 14.21 to 14.28 and: water, sewage, energy- both electrical as the supply of gas by the -, telecommunications and urban sanitation.

In order to establish the rules and criteria to facilitate the future location of service recharge api networks public, or easements required for the effect are determined by the companies providers thereof, reserve areas as appropriate for the future location of utility infrastructure.

Subsystem equipment for transport

The facilities are classified into several subsystems: BASIC SOCIAL FEATURES- EBS Education subsystem- ED Health subsystem- SA Subsystem recreation and sports- RE BASIC COMMUNITY FACILITIES- EBC Subsystem community facilities.

CM Subsystem cultural facilities- CU Equipment subsystem Social assistance- AS Cult subsystem equipment- CL SECURITY FEATURES AND LIVING TOGETHER- ESC Subsystem public force- FP recharge api Management Subsystem Justice- Justice AJ Subsystem close to the citizen.

JC Subsystem and disaster prevention- PA INFRASTRUCTURE EQUIPMENT- IBD Subsystem equipment for utilities- SP- TT Subsystem storage and distribution facilities in the primary sector- PP Storage subsystem equipment and fuel distribution.

CB Health care Subsystem- SN INSTITUTIONAL FEATURES- EIN International institutional subsystem equipment- II National- IN Regional institutional subsystem equipment- IR Metropolitan recharge api institutional subsystem equipment.

Institutional subsystem equipment

IM Local institutional subsystem equipment- IL INFRASTRUCTURE EQUIPMENT TRADE- Commercial Infrastructure Equipment correspond to the Centers Stores, Malls, Supermarkets, department stores and the like.

Which are governed by the specific rules and its location shall be as specified in the General Plan Land Use. d. System of Public Space.- Parks, Plazas, Pavilions and Park lands. Concept. Make up this recharge api component structuring system, public recreation areas and meeting: parks, plazas, squares, civic spaces, green areas and viewpoints; these can be natural or artificial origin.

Nesting. The elements of structuring system of public space as hedges, size, domain and function are ranked in the following areas: FIRST ORDER OR GENERAL Metropolitan and regional level: River Park Draft Edge urban parks Draft regional parks.

Regional planned West Park planned Park theme Parks Santa Fe Zoo The Botanical Garden North park Explore Park under construction Area of city: City Parks City. Squares, parks and squares of historic or character. Parks creek. Parks hill.

Site and implement actions recharge api

Urban and rural Viewpoints squares and parks Broken Parks Neighborhood/ suburban area: Park and suburban spaces Broken Parks Texture; ecological criteria as well as their relationship with the fauna and flora and climate regulation.

Perform minimal interventions on the recharge api to control human activities that cause erosion, pollution and waste and improper occupation of public space. Leverage site design viewpoint with minimal intervention physical on hillsides and mountains.

Conserve natural wetlands, reservoirs and natural recharge api water mirrors existing on the site. Landscape value Initiate actions and education campaigns for the preservation of the natural environment and a half culture of the population that uses the panoramic viewpoint.

Linking community organized for the administration and management viewpoint, giving priority to the community immediate area of influence of the viewpoint. Consolidate the panoramic viewpoint.

As a place of public notice, including services recharge api and economic activities whose scope of coverage is for the population of their environment, but its scope may be zonal, city and region.

Regarding the prepaid subscribers

For the above purposes i to iii to achieve the processed data must be reducible to the subscribers concerned. The data is then also focused on identification, so the data should be regarded as personal data. Prepaid subscribers In the case of subscribers with a prepaid subscription data, the following applies.

Has stated that it names and addresses and or email addresses is of the prepaid subscribers who actually use mobile Internet more than a quarter of the total number of prepaid subscribers. Whose names and recharge api addresses and or email addresses has, has a clutch smog clarity between the individual client and or device.

Identifier s, together with contact details and or email addresses and other technical information about visits to and use by a person of apps, websites, services, protocols, and data on the operation of the network device when its use by an individual person.

There is a relationship between the data can be placed. The legislative history of the of prepaid subscribers observed recharge api in the TA, Nevertheless possess providers in many cases for example.

Concentration of the population

In response to actions involving prepaid callers can obtain some free credit which the communication of personal data required has been indeed about personally identifiable data on prepaid callers.

On the basis of the number of the prepaid customer may then a recharge api relationship between traffic and that person identifying data to be laid. In her opinion first argues that there is no prepaid subscriptions of personal data as there is no identifying.

Information concerning the subscriber are available of the recharge api equipment that have to adapt, taking into special consideration factors such as age, gender, status and projection of the population of potential users.

The provision of appropriate forms of user access to the service, taking into account especially the nature or scope of influence of planned facilities. The correct definition of compatibility relations to be established between the activities.

Conditions of low recharge api

That are provided in various physical plants. Relationship that exists from the complementary and intends to make optimal characteristics of buildings respective and full integration between different social groups.

Those structuring facilities which by their nature require Special conditions for operation may be located in rural corridors of the Palms and San Pedro located at the edges of protection, and rural soils.

Provided it is consistent with the city model and the density and low recharge api occupancy these territories. It is considered that special conditions exist when the equipment has a low they serve, low employment rates are consistent to uses of the area and also in cases in which it is located in areas requiring isolation.

The Planning Department shall grant authorization for location of the structural equipment, subject recharge api to the procedures that must be carried to the respective authorities for their construction and operation Classification of equipment.

Implies that individuals

This shows that effort that must provide for this information to an individual natural person may trace is not disproportionate writes in her opinion one that CBP goes beyond to the fact that most of the recharge api data are not accessible to employees.

Others, and are used only for the purposes of transit. Purpose additionally has a strict security policy and verify that now accessed, or can be, to some information. Employees are also trained on privacy and security issues.... Many details are only in anonymous or aggregated form, and so for that reason not personal data.

Regarding the technical and organizational measures applied by, including access authorizations only a select group of employees k have access to use the data analysis equipment, access control recharge api and security applies them that above all a technical.

And organizational security to protect against loss or any form of unlawful processing of personal data pursuant to Article of the fact. That only certain employees have access to the data analysis equipment and the data is processed using it does not lead to the conclusion.

Processing are identified

That there is no constitutes personal data. The applied recharge api aggregation on subscriber level through the equipment is not or data destruction. This also applies to the encrypted identifier in the for traffic management purposes.

CBP takes into account that the further processing of the data according to shall be for the following purposes I traffic management and invoicing, among other things to have on subscriber level insight get into the network load caused by the increase.

In the use of all kinds of websites and apps for heavy users to recharge api identification and transporting the traffic of prepaid customers to free to insufficient prepaid credit; ii spam, virus and Paula control in individual cases; and iii treatment of inquiries from customers including complaints about video optimization.

Data Processing for these purposes only have utility as making it possible to identify specific individuals. In the opinion of the Article Working Party, the independent advice and consultative body of European privacy regulators, the concept of personal data has been noted.

Processing responsible recharge api for reasonably

In this context In such cases where the purpose of the it can be assumed that the for the deploy resources has to identify the person. To argue that individuals are not identifiable as the purpose of the processing is precisely to identify them.

Amounts to a contradiction in terms. The information recharge api must therefore be regarded as information relating to identifiable individuals, which means that apply data protection rules for processing.

This, according to the opinion of the Article Working Party particularly relevant for statistical information, if the information is presented, although as aggregate data, but recharge api the other information identifying stakeholders possible make.

Application to handle

It is striking for instance, to analyse the content of downloaded files and sent and received emails on spam, virus and Malta detection patterns for spam virus Malta to stop and remove, transporting the movement of prepaid customers to free to insufficient prepaid.

Credit or to analyse the data traffic for an information in, the use of the data recharge api in individual cases relating to subscribers to technical failure or errors in the transmission of communications to detect and remedy.

Data is then used by in a way that touches the person in society acts of as a provider of communications services to its own customers are part of civil traffic. Furthermore, the mobile data can loaded consumption of a subject are indicative of, for example.

Interests, social background, income or family composition recharge api Such information can be used for direct marketing and not decisive is whether intends to use the data and from the data traffic or for those purposes or other purposes.

Postpaid data plan

There is already talk of personal data when the data for such a person focused on the goal can be Hebrew, and that is a possibility has, as shown, for example, information about mobile data usage of individual stakeholders visits to and use of apps.

Websites and protocols, frequency and duration time, data consumption data volume, contact information including the MSISDN as unique, email address es and or name and address, and in some cases G location information of recharge api the person.

The data from the data traffic and are on their own, in any combination or in conjunction with other known information source for directly or indirectly traceable to an identifiable individual subscriber of its traffic services.

Postpaid subscribers Regarding subscribers with postpaid data plan, the following applies. MSISDN, the unique SIMMS and the unique IMEI phone number of a subscriber with a for identifying because they link smog liability between these numbers, combined with contact details and or email address.

Visits to and use recharge api

Thus, there may be a relationship between the data to be laid also has a clutch smog clarity between the individual client and or device identifier s and technical information about by a person of apps, websites and protocols or technical information.

About the functioning of the network device when its use by an recharge api individual. Not only does about the in directly identifying data and from the data traffic in its databases files, they also regard has skilled technicians employed including the aforementioned employees.

See the heading Conduct research, page of this report and they have the recharge api necessary technical facilities including applications to query the databases and the technical ability to export data from these databases to link the data together or, if necessary, can be traced through intermediate steps to the relevant subscriber.

Different web page otherwise

Report definitive findings May, protection principles do not apply to data rendered anonymous in such a way that the person to which it relates is no longer identifiable...

All data that can provide information about an identifiable individual must recharge api be as personal. Data are personal as they be trekking have by their nature a person, such as actual or appreciative data on characteristics.

Beliefs or behaviors or given the context which they are processed help to determine the manner in which the person is judged in society or. In the latter case, the use of the data that can be made in determining the answer to whether there is also data that does not directly recharge api relate to a specific person.

But for example a product or a process, can provide information about a particular person, and in that case. As an example, in the legislative history of the PDPA called. Opinion on the concept of personal data of June ast visited on May, There is information on when a person comes to about that person, in other words, content.

Network individuals to take

Ditto, VG. Idem 'on' when taking into account all the circumstances specific case, data will be used or are likely to evaluate objective manner prescribed treatment status affect behavior.

If use is expected recharge api to have consequences for one's rights interests, resultant. Unlike Registration Board in its opinion shall not require that every possible use against persons, excluded.

Although this is theoretically present but unthinkable this actually happens, it assumes regarded as personal data. If, however, may use, for recharge api example, detect fraud, there personally. Is thereby relevant intention. Already given such a focused purpose, use Idem p. Idem should also telephone July classified under.

Combination with other recharge api data

And Papers II, Numbers are always sentenced law, is allocated to corporate administrative number traceable to individual natural person as permanent user. See ECJ November, case C, paragraph...

Indicate their name, phone number, workplace hobbies, is addition by CBP wholly partly an automated processing Article paragraph, Directive brands. Rb August, personal data.

PUBLIC VERSION Report definitive findings May, According to the legislative history information from a network administrator about the use of the network by connecting points to ensure the proper functioning of the network...

No personal information as long as any real possibility is not excluded that such data are used to recharge api using the into consideration. A person is identifiable if his identity either directly or through further steps, by data alone or in, so typical of his person reasonably, without disproportionate effort, can be.

To determine whether a person is identifiable it is necessary to look at all the resources which can be assumed that they reasonably by the controller or to any other person in order to identification.

Data analysis techniques

Choose continuation system. This choice implies any future legislation containing regimen particular sector is not mentioned application WBP. Avoids questions about relations between different recharge api legal systems, underlining added CBP.

Overseeing Privacy Directive provides context Whereas, when a notice, sent via electronic mail telecommunications whose only aim to give such messages, person who goes, the one offering service normally will be considered responsible processing personal data contained.

However, persons offering services PUBLIC VERSION Report definitive findings May based in Netherlands, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data by the use of recharge api in the traffic on her cell network.

Has, as far as this investigation, on March, as reported in charge follows when CBP. Data from the Commercial is authorized to determine the purpose and means.

Processing of personal data

Is therefore responsible for this processing within the meaning of Article, preamble and under d, of the DPA. Processing of personal data According to Article, preamble and under an of the Data Protection Act defines a 'personal data' means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Is defined in Article, preamble and under b of the Data Protection Act and includes the collection, recording, storage, use, bring together and relate to each other.

Elaboration of the legal framework Article, preamble and under an of the DPA is an implementation of Article, preamble and under an of the Privacy Directive 'For the purposes of this Directive...

Personal data, any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, referred to as data subject; an identifiable person is one recharge api who directly or indirectly can be identified, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements that are specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Determine whether recharge api a person

Recital of the Data Protection Directive states in this regard Whereas the principles of protection must apply to any information concerning an identified or identifiable person; that in order to is identifiable, must look recharge api at all the resources which can be assumed that they are reasonably.

Foreseeable by the person responsible for the processing or by any other person to be able to identify the said person; that those additional processing necessary action service as well.

Lie Privacy Statement Liberal BV Version August The responsible collection and use of your data is Avenue in. Die message with number m version. Article, opening b, DPA understands volume recharge api personal data means any operation.

Set operations performed upon personal data, including collecting any case, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination any other form posting, assembling, interrelated, as well as blocking, erasure destroy data.

Directly binding norms

As far as traffic data are to be regarded as recharge api personal data, in data on an identified or identifiable natural person, enter Chapter law, particularly. Supplement special conditions floor set point, further rules Tie Privacy Directive. In the electronic communications' sector.

Directive EC applies, name op with all matters relating to protecting fundamental rights freedoms not specifically covered by provisions of this Directive, including obligations responsible person's emphasis added by CBP of this Article rule special law supersedes general law does not apply.

The Data Protection Act applies in these cases, in fact recharge api apart from the specific legislation. Then the DPA has therefore an additional effect, namely for those parts that are not covered by the special legislation.

The social insurance in and the Telecommunications Act is an example of this. The provisions in the social insurance is thus an elaboration of that in the DPA.

It is true recharge api that the provisions of the DPA thus not come into view, they play only an indirect role. DPA's applicability to the processing of personal data in the electronic communications' sector is not excluded in the DPA, or TA.

Electronic communications network

On the contrary. Article. Of the Telecommunications recharge api Act provides, for example Without the Data Protection Act and otherwise by or under this Act carry the provider of a public and the provider of a public electronic communications.

Concern for the protection of personal data and the protection of privacy of subscribers and users of its network, respectively his service emphasis added by the DPA. Responsible Under Article.

Preamble and under d, of the DPA is the responsible natural or legal recharge api person or any other person or the governing body which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

Regulated second recharge api supplement

In the same vein Papers. In of the General Part of the explanation General Standards and pectoral interpretation we called two models additional laws first with exhaustive data protection law is protection Act further rules are drafted.

Model is followed, then applicability recharge api present Bill expressly excluded.... Registration Chamber ground jurisdiction. For other will include many special laws parts instantiating focused industry that they regulate.

This involves formally lees specials provisions prevail over this bill, but material must be assessed against this general background norms, given the fact also Directive EC, by recharge api adding.

CBP must meet wholly or partly Community law cover. Article WPR assumes that namely exhaustive, especially privacy regime, stated excluded with non applicability always last self defined.